On 16 November, De Boskamp Funeral Centre & Crematorium organised an Open Evening. Everyone had been invited to come and many people accepted that invitation: it was a busy evening.
Very diverse company
On arrival, visitors were offered tea or coffee and a delicacy. They were then divided into groups and given a guided tour of the building, visiting all the rooms. Naturally, everyone was given the opportunity to ask questions. “It was an extremely diverse range of visitors, from young to old”, says Sietse de Vries, the site manager. “And they were here for various different reasons. Out of curiosity, for instance, but also because some of them were actually dealing with the organisation of a funeral. We received a lot of questions, which is always pleasant to us. It allows us to tell them about how we work, about the building and all the possibilities. People were highly impressed and that’s always a joy to see.”