In the German context, Krematorium Niederrhein Willich – part of ‘the Facultatieve Group’ – provides many unique options that very few other crematoria in Germany can offer to relatives of the deceased. The Crematorium recently held an evening for funeral service providers and their staff. Over one hundred professionals from around the region visited the crematorium to see the options with their own eyes.
The visitors were given a guided tour of the unique auditoriums, the visiting rooms and the cremation area. Attention was given also to the reception rooms.
Niederrhein Willich Crematorium provides the opportunity to relatives to hold a post-funeral reception after the ceremony if the relatives so wish. The Crematorium has various tastefully decorated reception rooms with extensive gastronomic possibilities, which can cater also for larger groups.
After the tours, visitors were introduced to a number of these gastronomic delights and chatted with colleagues and other business contacts.